Sunday, October 11, 2009

My parents are so la-ame

I kept posing for the best photos and videos ever, and yet, no posting by my la-ame parents. Well, finally they've at least gotten the stuff onto Flickr.

Well, I'm too hard on them... maybe if I stopped needing constant attention, they'd get more done. Why would I do that though?

Saturday, September 19, 2009

budding artiste

I turned on "scribble" on the iPhone and let Oliver go to town. Seriously all I did was close the help screen when he clicked the help button.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

looking forward

My favorite new thing is to look forward, from high off the ground. Here are a couple pics of my ma and pa giving me the height I require to survey the world. It's good to be the boss.

Monday, August 10, 2009


Last night Daddy had a glass of water and Oliver seemed very interested. So Daddy let him have a sip. He wanted another!

Saturday, August 8, 2009


Ollie had his doctor's visit yesterday. He's 14.4 pounds and 24 inches long -- on the large side, of course! The doctor gave him a clean bill of health!

He also got his 2-month shots. He was a brave little boy. Mommy, of course, kind of freaked out. Ollie screamed for a minute or two, and then settled down for a cranky evening. A good night's sleep, though, and he's back to his happy self!

The doctor recommended Tylenol for "crankiness" -- do you think that would work on grownups, too?

Friday, August 7, 2009


For the past two weeks, Oliver's been working on his grabbing skills. Check it out!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Mom found a neat idea for a mobile on the internet (here in case anyone is interested -- I just cut out the shapes, stapled them to pieces of cereal boxes, and clipped them to a photo mobile). It's his FAVORITE THING EVER IN THE WHOLE WORLD. We had no idea how much he'd love it.

Here's a video daddy took of him enjoying it:

Monday, July 20, 2009


To celebrate Ollie's 2 month birthday, his aunt (also celebrating her birthday!) Soraya and cousin Thaddeus came to visit. Thaddeus and Oliver became fast friends!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Oliver is 2 months old!

To celebrate, here's a quote from his Zadie Chuck:

Oliver's greatest accomplishment so far in his eight weeks on this planet is gaining an additional four pounds and working hard on his smile muscles. Also, eye focusing. He is making progress.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Some of the many nicknames of Oliver

Mr. Man
Sir Poops-A-Lot
Squirmy Monkey
Giant Melonhead
Fussy McFusskins
Sweet Little Manster
Silly Manlet

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Man I wish I could grab that rattle.

It's got colors and makes noise.

Reaching out and touching something

Oliver's latest hobby is whacking things. Watch him in action (video hilariously narrated by Daddy):

Cute noises

Listen to some of the many sounds that Oliver makes!

Thursday, July 9, 2009


When Ollie's mommy sprained her ankle, lots of family came over to help -- Great-Grandma Hedi, Grandma Lesley, Zadie (yiddish for "grandpa") Chuck, and Aunt Margaret. Thanks to all! Ollie got to go on lots of long walks, especially with Zadie. Fortunately for mommy and daddy, everyone brought him back.

Good sleeper

SOMEONE slept from 10 to 6:30 STRAIGHT last night! What a great sleeper! He sleeps better than his mommy!

Then he woke up and had a giant booger. He cried while daddy pulled it out but he's much happier now.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

big boy

At our last at-home weigh-in, he was about 13 pounds and 24 inches long -- as big as an average 14 week old, at only 6 weeks! This is why mom and dad are sore, and maybe why mom fell and badly sprained her ankle...

Also, new pictures up on the flickr site!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Rolling on his side

He's already rolling from his back onto his side! It helps him look at things he likes, like his own face in a mirror. (Who can blame him?)

Spit Up!!

i love to spit up!!! it makes me feel so good inside, and then I can eat more milk. mmm, milk. i try to spit up while mommy and daddy are changing me, just cuz.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Pictures and smiles

1. Check the links section to the right for pictures and videos. Keep checking, because we add more frequently.

2. His latest development is a winning smile! He'll stare and smile at us for a long time, and follow us with his eyes all over the room! He loves staring at his reflection in the mirror, and at the toys on his play mat. He's an amazing kid.


Hi! Welcome to Oliver's blog. Oliver was born on May 17, 2009 at 4:01 am, weighing 9 pounds, 3 ounces, and 21 1/2 inches long. His mommy and daddy are completely in love with him! We'll share milestones, pictures and stories here, so keep checking for more!